Coming Out Counseling

Coming Out

Building “Your” Support System

“Coming out” is one of the most difficult things for a member of the LGBTQ+ community to do. People think of “coming out” as a teen telling his/her mother about their sexual preference or gender identity, and waiting for a harsh reaction. Those who have gone through this experience know that it is more than a one time occurrence.  It happens over and over, especially for those who have family and friends who are less that accepting. These members of our support systems need to be educated and coming out counseling can be helpful. This long process is one of education and allowing our loved ones the space to grow. As well as dealing with our own hurt that come from this rejection.

Many folks in the LGBTQ+ community do not have the luxury of helping their family come to a place of acceptance. Some families sever relationships with LGBTQ+ people. This is very hard to come to a place of acceptance of because there are feelings of rejection that need to be worked through. Many people push this away and let it become something that harms them such as an addition or self sabotage of relationships. This happens because they have not processed this rejection. At Orlando Counseling and Therapy Group it is our honor to help client work though these long lasting feelings of rejection. We work to help folks come to a place of acceptance of themselves and forgiveness of others. Finally putting those abandonment issues to rest. Thus, allowing for the development for a healthy support system and family.

Looking to build the support system that you deserve?

Our therapists specialize in coming out counseling, support system building, and dealing with rejection.

Coming out is also difficult in the context of your cultural background. An example would be on LGBTQ+ folks of Asian decent struggle to move their family to a more accepting place as a result of a more collective cultural context. The therapists at Orlando Counseling and Therapy Group are well versed in helping LGBTQ+ folks of all backgrounds move their families to a more accepting place. We also help folks build accepting support systems built of chosen family.

We can help

This is when counseling at Orlando Counseling & Therapy Group can help. Our therapists are well versed in helping individuals navigate the coming out process. We can also help build a support system that truly accepts you.  Counseling might not change your family and friends’ views. You will know that you have worked as hard as you can to educate them and allow them to grow. That is when you can allow yourself the peace of mind to build a support system that works for your unique life. We can work together to move your family down the path of acceptance. We can also build the support system that you want. This a journey that we would be honored to accompany you on.

Family/Friend Resources

The Center – The LGBTQ+ Center in Orlando

PFLAG Orlando – Another great resource for family/friends of LGBTQ+ folks