Self esteem Self worth

Self-Esteem / Self-Worth

Building a better “you”

Our view of our self impacts many areas of our life. This includes relationships, careers, overall satisfaction with life and so many more elements. Our image of ourselves can be formed by our past or things that we have no control over. Self esteem self worth work can be difficult to do because of our own misconceptions.

You struggle with insecurities, anger and negative self talk. Or even feel like everyone is out to get you. It is possible that you could be dealing with low self esteem or self wort. While this in not an official diagnosis, it affects most aspects of your life. 

Self esteem self worth improvement is difficult but achievable.
Self esteem self worth improvement is difficult but achievable.

Counseling can help change these thoughts and feelings and help re-work your view of yourself. We will identify and work through misconceptions of yourself. This work will allow you to see you for who you truly are. A strong confident person with a healthy sense of self.  

Even though most people feel that they can do this work on their own. The reality is that it can be difficult to see the fallacies in the way that one views themself. This is why having a professionally trained clinician is helpful to rework these views.